Houston, TX – McGonigel’s Mucky Duck (w/ Walt Wilkins)
Mr. Wilkins and I bring our show to the Duck.
This one will be live-streamed as well, so there’s no excuse not to watch it.
Mr. Wilkins and I bring our show to the Duck.
This one will be live-streamed as well, so there’s no excuse not to watch it.
Who Said You Could Do That w/ Radney Foster
This is a series where I talk with musicians and artists about what they do, why the do it, and how they got where they are today.
We’ll also be singing a few songs.
Tickets and info
Another great night with one of my favorite song guys.
I love these kinds of places. They’re all about music.
Tickets and Info
The Saxon Pub – The perfect place for a little post-holiday cheer.
No holiday music will be performed at this show. You’re safe…